As the networks are linked together, means 1 standard ticket for all forms of transport. Just £2.70 a day I can get to just about anywhere I want on any busses or trams.
Here is how the tram looks like:

A portal to share my experience...
I got this Vodaphone Pay As You Go mobile plan. Basically its the same as prepaid mobile service in Malaysia. Topping up is easy with this blue electronic kiosk shown below, just need to key in our mobile number and then insert the desired amount of notes to top up. Its that easy! After which the amount will be automatically loaded. No hassle of keying in long top up codes!!!
The next day we went to a chinese takeaway shop in the evening. My cousin sister is working there as a counter girl. Basically that means she takes all the phone and on the counter orders. We went there to learn about counter work as we might get such jobs in weeks to come. This is of course not permanent but keeps us going until we get better jobs. Most of all, we get free food from the cook. Not really delicious but at least its
cantonese food.
After the arrival to Nottingham, we have to travel on a cab to my aunty's place since her car was fully loaded with our luggages. Its a real cool thing to take a cab as I discovered Nottingham cabs are all equipped with GPS system, wicked ain't it? Here is what we saw from the cab:
My aunty owns a house in St. Anns, Nottingham. Its not really big, 3 rooms and 2 toilets, double storey with fully central heating system. Its the typical kind of English home where the walls look like bulks of well arranged red bricks. We have to stay here for sometime until we secure a job to fund our expenses and living. Only then, we will move out to a rented property.
The weather in Nottingham is a little cooler than London since it is a little further north from it. However, suprisingly, the sun is happily casting long shadows over us, just like a real warm greeting for us to Nottingham. So, whats next? Its time for job hunting!
Its was a horrible wait of 3 hours at the airport, upon reaching the counter we were told to go for medical check up and chest X-Ray, so another 1 hour wasted. After the check, we got back to the immigration counter for an official passport stamping. After that, head off to reclaim baggage, which has long left the conveyor, so we had to look for it from the airline office. So far, at this point we have spent about 24 hours travelling with lack of sleep and water.
Its was all rush and tiring. However, it was all worth the wait and hassle as we got through just fine in the end of it all.
So you think everything should be smooth sailing up to this point? You were wrong! We had to carry the luggage loads all the way from the airport to The Tube(LRT in msia). I am the only guy on this trip, so what do you expect of me? arms went totally numb after all the load and offload to catch the Tube. It was all a mad rush, as it was the peak hour when we took the Tube, massive crowd leave us little and sometimes no space for the luggage. To make things worse, the tube line we were on was having severe delays due to signal failure.
Everyone was getting real tired and stressed. We had dinner then with my aunt at Leicester Square (Chinatown) before heading our own ways to Belsize (North London) and Brixton (South London). Our group split into 2 then as we have limited accommodation space to fit all 4 in any one location. Thats all the update I have for all of ya, my dear friends!!!
Till the next round....its cold here...and its time to head on to Nottingham. :-)