I am just about to finish reading Marley & Me. This is certainly a good read and I recommend it to avid dog lovers. I am a dog lover myself. My lovely dog is called Ah Bee as he whines a lot, making funny whistle noises when he needs food, a walk, company and etc. Even so, he is lovable and energetic. If I ever leave the house for a walk without him on leash beside me, he will be barking on top of his lungs for my attention. Everytime I come back home, there he will be sitting attentively with his tail in full swing as if he has seen a huge bone. Dogs are faithful animals which loves to have fun. I am glad to have his company.
Unfortunately, he is partially blind, meaning he can only see with one eye. Monoscopic vision. This happened a few years back when he was beaten by an old man. The man would whack his head using a stick till he bleeds. He was tortured while he was still a pup. One fine day, he came to us looking for food and shelter. This is when our relationship started.
Dogs are clever animals. They learn to adapt to domestic living and provides faithful company to humans. It gives me great relieve after a long day work when I see Ah Bee wagging his tail tirelessly as a gesture of welcoming me home. Something I can never understand. Why would he be so happy to see me? I occasional play with him, pat on his head and take him for a stroll. That is about it, nothing more but he sees me more than just a companion, in fact he sees me as his best mate. He teaches me what it is meant to be faithful. As I hold the blue leash which I use when taking him for a walk, he will be jumping like a kangaroo (sometimes as high as my shoulder) while barking as if he is trying to talk to me of how glad he was. He taught me what it meant to be enjoying moments of life no matter how simple it might appear.
On a separate note, he can be a pain sometimes, especially when he barks at the wrong moments. Occasionally, he will bark at suspicious people who walk pass our house, sometimes a cat or some unidentified moving object can also trigger him, creating the same effect. My dad will then shout to warn him, but if he persists any further, two or three strokes of rotan will be the price to pay. At times, he will also get the rotan for picking the wrong place to pee. Car tyres are his best spots, including the front bumper of our Kancil. However so, he is doing well now, we learnt that he needs to be reminded endlessly. We will talk to him with a stern voice everytime we park the car, shouting "Don't you dare to pee here, ok? If not you will makan this", while pointing the forbidden spot followed by the rotan to him. It works!!
Here are a few pictures of him: