I think you must have been waiting for my updates here. Well, things are going fine with me here, I am now working full time for Siemens Business Centre as a data processor. The job is never boring, we have many different task to do which varies along a day's work. All task are listed on duty rosters each morning.
For those who want to know what I do, I will explain more in this paragraph, however if you are not interested then skip on to the next paragraph. My job is quite challenging at times. I work for Barclays Bank and Siemens PLC. There are so much manual paper work in a bank that most of its works are subcontracted. Siemens help Barclay to migrate into paperless system gradually so we help to sort forms, letters then scanned them to be used in computerise systems.
Here is my working pass:

Here are some photos to keep you up to date:
Photos description as follows:
Picture 1, 2 and 3 shows my aunt's cooking. We had a satisfying dinner together in a warm and cozy home.
Picture 4 is showing part of weekend events we have in Nottingham to promote social awareness and health.
Picture 5, 6, 7 and 8 shows the landscape and animals of Wollaton Park which is one of the great parks to visit in Nottingham.

wei!!!...glad to hear tht you landed a job there ady!!...frost abit la ..rather than here so hot!!..hehee...remember to work harder so i can come over and you can get me a job also..hehee.. :)
No problem mate...
I will work hard of course. You take care there and wait for my good news...
yo fren, it's been a long time since you last updated your blog. Any new updates?
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