Saturday 18 April 2009

Nice and quiet Saturday..

As we approach Spring, how beautiful is the beaming sunshine blasting through my house windows. The beauty of His creation is indescribable. As I move on to another day, pondering upon my next steps, my next plan. There is so much I dreamed of doing. Doing some useful voluntary job while waiting to travel back to sweet home Malaysia. However, procrastination is not helping. I drag my feet as I get through life everyday. Seems I have come to a standstill. I am not contented so I intend to take this time to learn more. Be it playing guitar, reading bible and etc. 

While waiting to depart back to Malaysia, I worry whether I will have enough to fund myself for the next 2 months (worst case). I am not working full time, thus the pounds keep diminishing as the days go by. Just like a full bottle of water with a hole at the bottom, water keeps flowing out and soon it will dry out. Therefore, I had to be frugal, keeping the water in as much as I can, gingerly stubbing my finger into the hole. Keep telling myself that this episode of my life will cease soon and a new chapter (working life) will begin. 

I thank bros and sis in fellowship for providing support and words of prayer when I needed them most. I will keep the faith and ponder upon my next episode in life.  I eagerly awaits the blossoming of spring flowers the start of my next dream. 

Later on, I will be visiting a little child (Alex). The poor little one scarred himself as he fell onto a hot puddle of oil. After having undergone I think 3 operations, he is gettting better now. I pray Father god in heaven will bless him, I ask Father that you provide speedy healing. Take away his pain father, replace it with love from bros and sis. 

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