Tuesday 23 September 2008

Finally updates...after 5 months...

Sorry friends and fellow bloggers, I have been away for quite some time. Should have updated this page long time ago but procrastinated. :P

Guess I have so much time for myself now that there is no excuse not to update. Its been more than a year since I got to UK. I will start of with a chronology of events since my last update till now. I will include loads of picture so that you can have a better "feel" of what I have been through. My journey has been a great one. I felt so blessed by GOD heavenly father for my job now and everything he has given. Most importantly he has given me wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ.

A lot has happened since I last update. I went to Scotland with my sister and MK...and here are the picture...

Here is the man blowing away his bag pipe...I like the tune...very soothing.

Guess what this is?...its Haggis...taste quite good. It's served while its still in flames..then as the fire dies down, we can consume it. You don't want to know what it is made off..believe me..I will not tell you, find it somewhere online..hehehe :P

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